Choosing A Blackjack Table
When playing casino blackjack, most players use one thought when choosing their table: is there an open seat? This is definitely a logical way to choose a blackjack table since you don’t want to be sitting on someone’s lap. However, you are also missing another important factor that needs to be taken into account when deciding where to play blackjack.
Crowds are good
It doesn’t matter if you’re a social person or not, it’s good to be at a table full of blackjack. As many players know, blackjack games feature a house edge, which means they have the edge in the long run. Now it’s worth mentioning that this casino limit can usually be lowered to 0.6% in land based casinos, but it’s still a house edge.
That said, more people at a table means fewer blackjack hands are dealt per hour. And fewer hands per hour keeps you from being so exposed to the edge of the blackjack house. If you can find a table with six or seven players, that’s perfect as you won’t see that many hands. For example, you may only receive cards 50 to 60 times an hour instead of more than 70 at a smaller table.
Try Online Blackjack
Assuming you really want to control the flow of a blackjack game and limit the number of hands you play, online blackjack is definitely good. The reason is because dealers are not trying to drive the action and get more hands per hour; instead, the software only deals the cards when you click the “Deal” button. Because of this, you can play a few hands, take a break and do whatever you want, then come back and continue playing.
In addition to controlling the number of hands you are dealt, online blackjack is also great because it allows you to bypass dealer advice and travel costs. After all, most people have to travel to casinos and tip dealers consider themselves courteous. So if you can figure all of this out, you can look forward to a better chance of making a profit. In addition, it is also possible to collect huge bonuses in internet blackjack, which is just one more way you can possibly make a profit.